Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yet Another Street Fighter Fan Film

I know Xenodyne linked to the YouTube channel of a group of fans making a Street Fighter film, but another group of fans released another short film yesterday. Its certainly odd that two separate Street Fighter fan films would come out in the same week. Street Fighter: Beginning's End is a really good fan film. It looks like it may fall short compared to Street Fighter Legacy, but we'll have to wait until Thursday to see for sure. Beginning's End has great fight choreography, and the cinematography is to die for, especially with a budget of a mere $400.

Great results with a small budget? I think Boss VG can appreciate that, now that "The Bossing" is nearing 1000 views. I know, it seems like we're making a big deal of this, but we're excited! Hopefully people will continue to enjoy the content we create, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Now that I'm thinking of Street Fighter fan films, I'm reminded of the first Street Fighter movie. I love that film in a "it's so bad it's really good" sort of way. Unfortunately, other video game based films do not turn out that way. They are usually garbage. I'm not going into specifics, but I think the main problem is that most of the people who make video game movies are not primarily video game fans. I have high hopes for Prince of Persia though, since it kind of has a Pirates of the Caribbean vibe, but mostly so that I can drool over a shirtless, muscly Jake Gyllenhaal. Unf.

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