Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cataclysm content removed from MMO Champion

I'm a little late on this, but MMO Champion removed their Cataclysm alpha screenshots at the behest of Blizzard. I was under the impression that Blizzard was allowing MMO Champion to post things about Cataclysm to create some hype, but I guess not. Joe didn't want to see any of it because he felt it would ruin the expansion for him if he saw all of the content before its release. I didn't agree before, but I find myself glad now that MMO Champion removed the screenshots.

I mean, I want to be surprised when this game comes out. We've been waiting for an Azeroth revamp for forever! Also, be sure to opt-in to the Cataclysm beta on your account if you haven't already. I hope I get into the beta...

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