So this being the middle of March, E3 2010 is only three weeks away. Sadly we won't be in attendance, but you can bet that we're all going to be keeping an eye on all the major gaming news outlets as well as live streams from the con floor.
So far, things that we know we're going to hear about:
Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Nintendo 3DS
Wii Vitality Sensor
Microsoft's Project Natal
Playstation MOVE
Dead Space 2
Diablo III
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (expansion)
Batman: Arkham Asylum 2
And probably a lot of other really great and exciting news that's going to leave a few more holes in my wallet.
One thing, however, that is not 100% confirmed to have some type of spot on the floor is some interesting news that the guys over at Kotaku and MCV, a new Sony handheld will be discussed during the con. Of course nothing solid has been confirmed, but it's nice to dream. Personally I love my PSP Go (just wish I could somehow transfer a few of my UMD's...), but I think that the hardware now exists where the graphics could be quite a bit better on a new system. I mean, the PSP was manufactured 6 years ago, and I'm sure that there's better out there now. Hopefully they can come up with some type of grpahics that are HD and look better than the Nintendo DS's graphics. Let's just hope that Sony has been paying attention to the customer response that the newer Playstation commercials that they have been airing, with Kevin Butler being witty. Last year's presentation was an absolutely boring experience, whereas Microsoft's was exciting and over the top. At E3, we don't want to see numbers, we want to see the FUTURE.
Also, from the house that Mario built, I don't believe that they're going to have any word about the Vitality Sensor. The public response to it was very lukewarm at best, and I just can't see buying any more peripherals for the system that barely gets played anyways. Maybe they should first focus on getting their system hardware on par with the rest of the gaming community, then focus on actually getting 3RD Party developers to provide quality games. At that point, they could focus on developing wacky peripherals. Another reason I'm calling shenanigans on the Vitality Sensor being announced is that there has been just about NO news regarding it after last year's E3, except a few editorial jabs made by various gaming publications.
So what are you looking forward to for E3 2010?
Either comment here or you can comment on our next episode of Bosstalk, which will more likely than not be up on Friday.