Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Guy wins $1M for perfect game in MLB 2K10

I just recently heard about the contest that Take Two was having regarding this, so its interesting that I hear about the winner so soon. A 23 year old man from Alabama won the $1 Million prize for pitching a perfect game in MLB 2K10. For all those who are unfamiliar with baseball (shame on you for being un-American), a perfect game is achieved when no batter from the other team reaches a base or scores. You have to be super talented at pitching, and its only ever happened in the real-life MLB 18 times.

I think its really cool that the man and his wife plan to pay off their mortgage and start a family with the money. That seems really responsible. I want to see more in-game contests like this. Maybe I could get real life money instead of gold for doing daily quests? (By the way, if anyone has an extra family and friends alpha invite for Cataclysm, I'm completely okay with getting it. No, really.)


  1. So how do they verify the winner, and doesn't this create a huge incentive for hackers to "game the system"?

  2. There was a sizable list of requirements for a video you had to record of the feat.
    The rules can be read here.
    There were a lot of requirements, but then again, a million dollars is a lot of money.

  3. "Entries created using counterfeit software shall be disqualified."
    Of course... but how do they know? I've seen you devious little hackers at work.

  4. A crack team of ninjas. This is the only reasonable explanation.
