Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sony states why it has so many pre E3 game reveals

This E3 is shaping up to be a big ol' disappointment. Developers are releasing all these announcements BEFORE E3. I have no idea why they have this shit backwards. But out of everyone, Sony is the worst. We already know what Sony has in store, including Killzone 3, LittleBigPlanet 2, inFamous 2, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, and of course the fucking Move. They will also be showing off the PsP2 which will be amazingly awesome.

When asked about this, PlayStation Blog's Jeff Rubenstein gave us a straight answer.

"Whose games have people been talking about for the last 3 weeks straight?"

Yours... I guess you fag. But while you have an entire presentation on 3D gaming and motion controllers I am going to go Microsoft's where they have The Beatles and naked girls and play with the Natal... with naked girls.

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