Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PS3s are finally profitable

Sony has come out with a statement saying that after four years of losing money on their PS3s that they are finally making money. And because of this they will not be dropping the price of the system any time soon.

"This year is the first time that we are able to cover the cost of the PlayStation 3," says Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida. "We aren't making huge money from hardware, but we aren't bleeding like we used to."

"When we bring the cost of hardware down, we are looking at opportunities to adjust prices if we believe that will increase demand. At the moment, we are trying to catch up our production. We have lots of great games coming out and innovations with Move and 3DTV, so we don't believe this is the time for us to think about a price drop."

This is really good news, and like he said this looks like its going to be a good year for Sony because of the Move and some really good games. I'm still not liking that they are going to try and push 3D tvs on me, but maybe if enough people feel the same way they will just quit trying until they are cheaper.

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