Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ps4 viral videos are fake

Earlier this week, two viral videos popped up hinting that the PS4 would be announced at E3. If you haven't seen the videos, don't because its a total waste of time. They showed a bunch of really freaked out Japanese people running around Sony's R&D facility and found a guy having a fucking seizure because of the sheer awesomeness of the PS4 or some shit.

But today Al de Leon, Sony's hardware PR representative, confirmed that those videos are definitely not from Sony and that they are a pile of bullshit, and that the PS4 will not be shown at E3.

This is good news because it made no fucking sense. If this was like past E3s we would be seeing new systems. But times have changed. Microsoft are going to be showing off their motion controllers and Sony is going to try and sell us on 3D gaming which will extend their systems' life spans by like 5 years. The only new system we are going to see at E3 is the 3DS, so I didn't understand why Sony was pushing this PS4 shit.

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