Friday, June 25, 2010

Boss Talk and BossVG LIVE!

This week's episode of Boss Talk can be viewed here.

If you're wondering at all why it took me so long to post it today, that's because we have some exciting new content to unveil that I've also been working on tonight.

Boss VG is proud to present another type of video besides the normal Boss Talk. These new videos have been dubbed "BossVG LIVE". Now, YouTube cannot live stream, so we're not actually live, but bear with me here while I explain. BossVG LIVE videos are clips of gameplay footage that include commentary with little to no editing. I start a video, the guys say what they think about it while its playing, and then I post it. The first two BossVG LIVE episodes feature the Crackdown 2 demo (and the nifty exploit to remove the time limit) and the recent Co-op DLC for Red Dead Redemption.

We hope you enjoy the new videos. Remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We'll be bringing you news, reviews, and skits with better quality as we go along. Its a learning process, and we're all learning. Thanks for coming along for the ride.

As always, if you have any feedback about anything, send it to or

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