Friday, June 25, 2010

Infinity Waaaaaa?

So I'll keep this brief because I am operating on 0 hrs of sleep, and I tend to get ranty when I stay up more than 20 hours.

Today Infinity Ward opened up a voicemail line where you could voice concerns about their game and leave feedback over what you think they can improve. For those of you wondering, that number is (402) 500-0119 .

Glad they gave it to me so easily. I know who I'm drunk dialing next time the bossvg crew gets together for a night of beer pong.

If they wanted feedback they didn't need to ask the community; they could have just asked me. My response?

"Well I think that CoDMW4 could have been better if it had a better bug testing team. Also, it would be nice to see all the hackers get cleaned up. Also, how lame is it that the PC users can't have any dedicated servers? Pretty lame if you ask me.

P.s. Have fun sucking Kotick's dick for staying instead of leaving with all the other people.

See? I told you I get ranty.

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