It hurts to see all of this Microsoft hate flying around. But shit happens. And when you present gamers with a stupid motion controller and an "updated" version of your system with as many flaws as the previous, your going to get shit talked.
Jervan already brought up the fact that the system stick fucks up your disc if you move the system. And he mentioned to me last night that people are already getting red rings. They are actually not red rings anymore and instead are red dots.
But the slimmed down 360 will actually shut down your system if its on the brink of getting the red dot. I really don't know why they couldn't just fix the fucking problem instead of replacing a huge annoyance with a slightly less annoyance.
Its not a bad idea, they could have just gone about it better in my opinion. I look forward to seeing how often these new 360s actually get this error.
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