Monday, June 14, 2010

Here's only....Everything (MOVE)

So IGN has posted a pretty good pre-E3 FAQ regarding the Move. The movie I linked above actually just got me so hyped I had to make a second post regarding this. Everything the video showcases was things that I was expecting the Wii to be like.

HD Graphics?
1:1 motion control?
Quick response time?
Amazingly accurate sword fighting?
CHECK (note that was last year's E3 conference.)

Seriously though. I'm already sold on the Move. I still need to see a little more about Natal before I'm 100% sold.

Remember to keep tuned over the next few hours as concrete details are unveiled out of E3.

As for the archery, I'm pumped for that as well. The fact that the system can detect that you're reaching for an arrow out of your quiver, then letting it loose?

I don't have words enough to express how fucking pumped that gets me.

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