So I agree with George on the fact that the GoldenEye remake will lick fat nut sacks. But for different reasons.
The thing about GoldenEye was that it was an amazing game and was basically the Halo for that generation of systems. And when I think about it I remember it being a great game and playing the shit out of it. But that was then and I have no intention of playing it ever again. Because the only thing that game has going for it now is nostalgia.
So I have no real reason to play a HD port of a classic game. The game was great back in 97 but it would look and play like a pile of shit nowadays.
The fact that they are using Daniel Craigs model for the game is actually the only real reason I would ever give the game a chance. It doesn't really bother me that its not Peirce Brosnan because both Brosnan and Craig play the same character. They both get the ladies and they both thwart plans for world domination. The only difference is that Peirce Brosnan needs pussy ass gadgets and Craig is all up in their face and ruthless as fuck. Not to mention that the babe Daniel Craig fucks is way hotter than anyone Brosnan fucked anyway. Eva Green is SO FINE!
So Activision needs to stop before they ruin one of my most memorable childhood games EVER. I don't even want to think about a shitty HD port when someone brings up GoldenEye, its bad enough that they made Rogue Agent. I just want to get lost in my love for one of the greatest N64 games of all time.
Actually should I even say HD port? Because everyone knows the Wii aint got shit for HD.
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