Over at the Playstation Blog, the news was released that the first wave of Stereoscopic 3D games will be released tomorrow. I found humor in the first two paragraphs, where John Koller states that "the PS3 system is the only console on the market that can support full stereoscopic 3D gaming — right from your living room, and with no additional charge." In the next paragraph, however, he opens with "[t]oday, our sister company Sony Electronics announced its 3D capable BRAVIA HDTVs are now available for pre-sale and will ship to retailers later this month."
The "I don't have a 3D TV" hurdle will be one that plagues 3D gaming for a long time, I think. Just read the comments on the blog post. The comments section is peppered with statements like "I wish I had a 3D TV" and "Who cares about 3D gaming?" Not only is Sony faced with the incredibly daunting task of making 3D gaming seem viable, but they also have to push people into buying 3D televisions.
The games list released on Sony's blog is MotorStorm Pacific Rift, PAIN, Super Stardust HD, and WipEout HD. They also stated that "The Fight: Lights Out" will be in Stereoscopic 3D. "The Fight: Lights Out" is the final title for the fighting game they've been showing in the Move commercials.
Now that I think about it, mixing the Move and 3D gaming might just be the way to go to make both things more appealing. Not only do you get better motion control than the Wii (the "motion control system"), you also get stereoscopic 3D images that work together with the Move. I am now intrigued by your promises of 3D gaming, Sony. Not interested, but intrigued.
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