The gaming community has a love-hate relationship with Cliff Bleszinski. On one hand you have an amazing game developer and on the other you have well, a douche bag with a big mouth. So it doesn't surprise me when journalists misquote him. The Gears of War creator was alleged to have stated that Japanese studios couldn't keep up with Western technology, a claim that Cliffy B claims is false.
"Internet tabloid alert: I said *nothing* about Japan not being able to keep up with the US regarding tech," Tweeted the developer. "There are plenty of existing and upcoming Japanese titles that look amazing. I have nothing but the utmost respect for those devs. If this 'journalism' continues devs will only be able to recite fact sheets verbatim.
"Websites intentionally publish misquotes and out of context pullquotes to create forum flamewars which generates traffic and profit."
There are tons of rumors, speculation, and drama in the video game community. And it is shady for websites to post shit like that. But what about the developers' PR departments who pay people extra to give their games good reviews or over hyping the hell out of their games that turn out to be complete ball sacks? Those sound a lot worse than a little misquote that's fucking true anyway.
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