Tuesday, March 2, 2010

World of Call of Duty

According to g4tv.com, Activision's CEO confirmed that the heads of Infinity Ward have indeed been fired, though no word as to the cause. Even bigger news came from the press conference, though.

Activision announced that Infinity Ward will be releasing two new map packs for MW2 over the next few months. In addition, they will be trying to unify the COD games from this point forward.

The oddest tidbit that I took away from the discussion, however, is that there will be a new Action-adventure Call of Duty game soon, created by a former developer of the studio; Visceral Games.

At this time, there are also rumors flying about a MMO-like model of Call of Duty, with a subscription-based service similar to Blizzard's World of Warcraft.

Personally speaking? I wouldn't play a CODMMO, even if it was free.

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