In an interview over at IGN, SCEA's Director of Hardware and Marketing John Koller said they are only working on making 3D for consoles.
"Our focus on 3D right now is on the console," he said. "There's a tremendous amount of opportunity on PlayStation 3 with 3D. The amount of interest in 3D from the retail side and game publishers is off the charts. We know we have a hit with 3D on PS3 and we're going to concentrate our efforts there."
He also said that he was not impressed with the 3DS, because he doesn't think children want 3D....
I swear to god, people in the game industry have to be the stupidest people on the planet. This is about as bad as Nintendo saying that people didn't want to play online games.
The only people that are going to go crazy for 3D ARE kids!! All you have to do is go to a damn movie theater and see that all the 3D movies are targeted for children with the exception of Avatar. No wonder Sony is behind in the console war right now.
Sony is going to look so fucking stupid when the 3DS sells like crazy and no "older kids" are going to care about their stupid 3D PS3 games. Just start developing head tracking Sony, its cooler than 3D anyway.
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