Monday, March 15, 2010

Our YouTube is LIVE!

I've been kind of looking forward to APB, since the amount of customization showcased by Realtime Worlds has left many a gamer with their jaw on the floor. Of course, I have my doubts, just as any reasonable person should when looking at a new MMO. However, when the last couple of podcasts showed the nifty music creator tool, my expectations for this game skyrocketed. The idea of the game seems sound, seeming at first glance to be a sort of Grand Theft Auto MMO, but the focus on PvP content and player customization makes it a definite game to watch out for in my book. Whenever Realtime Worlds plans to release it, we'll see how it measures up to expectations.

In more BOSS VG relevant news, our YouTube channel is up and running. There's not much on it yet, but we're working to get everything together for some sort of video blog. Right now we have coverage of a Street Fighter IV tournament that was put together by some friends of ours. My personal favorite is Roderick's rendition of "The Last Door" by EXILE. Show your friends!

We're putting all of our best ideas together to make our vlogs (as the kids these days refer to them) distinct from the rest of the YouTube gamer types. Hopefully we'll be in business soon to bring you our unique look on whatever is happening in the gaming industry.

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