Monday, March 29, 2010

Money and Superheroes

This doesn't come as a surprise to me at all, seeing as peripherals in the gaming industry are often sold for MUCH more than they're worth. Microsoft is planning on selling their 360 USB drives for $39.99 (8 Gig) and $69.99 (16 Gig). They're shipping the drives on April 6 to any poor sap gullible enough to buy them.

On the home front, Joe and I spent some special bonding time with a game I've mentioned before: Champions Online. Last weekend was a free weekend for anyone who wanted to try it out. For us, that meant investigating to see if Cryptic fixed all the bugs and general stuff we disliked about it. I'm happy to report that our Monster Island Crisis missions did not bug, as previously experienced. The addition of extra costume pieces and powers allows you to customize characters even further. We didn't get to the Revelation content, so I can't vouch for that, but if you haven't given Champions a shot; Now is the time. I really did forget how fun it is when everything is working correctly. Joe says he'll probably go back to it for a little while, and I'm giving it some thought.

Oh, and GameCrush crashed when it opened. This shows how excited gamers are to pay to play games with attractive women. What I want to know is why no one has had this idea sooner.

EDIT: It is now a few hours after I've made this post and it seems that the APB site has been reworked. There are videos showing more information about the game. Examples include both factions, the city, the weapons, vehicles, and really shiny customization examples. I am literally salivating while watching these. Here's to hoping that this game doesn't make me cry myself to sleep too much when it fails to meet expectations. Oh, and be sure to sign up for the open beta. I'm not sure when that will hit, but hopefully soon. After all, I was promised a March 2010 release, Realtime Worlds. >:(

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