I just got done watching the Sony conference over at Gamespot and my hype meter is at a whopping 0%. They started off by confirming that the motion controller is called the Playstation Move and began stressing the word precision over and over. After a few minutes trying to convince the audience that their motion controller was more precise and handled better than Nintendo's, they showed off their shitty mini games, which are nothing more than HD versions of shit that Nintendo has already done. You got your ping pong game, your golf game, shitty fighting game and some others that looked all right, like the gladiator one. But the controller they brought to GDC is a black Wiimote with a ball taped to it, nothing more.
Then they talked about how they can integrate the Move into other Playstation games. They used Little Big Planet as an example, and it actually looked pretty cool. They're going for a co-op multiplayer idea where one player plays the game normally while the other uses the wand to help with puzzles. I thought that was a pretty cool idea and liked it, but not enough to drop 100 bucks.
Towards the end of the presentation they started talking about how the Move was SO precise that even "hardcore" gamers would be able to use it. I got really excited. I started telling myself that maybe George was right, and they could do something with it besides mini games. Nope, it looked like a big o' pile of shit. They had someone play Socom 4, which they had talked about earlier in the presentation. The game looked and ran horribly, but that's not the biggest problem. The problem was how the game played. The crosshair was a big circle like one you would see in a railgun shooter, and all the guy did was move it to the general area the bad guys were at and they died. He didn't use precision which is all they fucking talked about, he just pointed and held a button down.
This was the first time Sony even showed the thing off, so they might make this thing work. From what they showed, it looks like families and girls will like the controller, and I don't blame Sony for wanting to tap into this audience. But to fucking lie and say that hardcore gamers will want to use it?
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