Monday, March 1, 2010

PSNetwork Fail, pt 2

So it is now day 2 of the PS3 outage that has been affecting users who try to start up their PS3 over the past day or so. As Joe said earlier, it doesn't seem to be affecting the slim models of PS3s.
There's a lot of speculation as to the origin of the glitch. Here are the most likely ones so far:

-Date and Time settings: when the system is turned on, the date and time both reset to 12/31/99. The common consensus is that this occurred due to the Feb 28- March 1 switchover.

-Trophies: the redheaded stepchild of the Xbox 360 achievement system. Each trophy has a timestamp and I believe that it crosschecks the date and time, which, with the error, it has trouble registering "future trophies."

Either way what makes me the angriest is that I have Heavy Rain waiting for me at home and I'm not able to play it.

More updates later.
-Submitted via iPhone

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