Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God of War 3. Just buy a PS3 for it.

Wow, so I just beat this game and I decided to write this review before it becomes any less fresh in my mind.  I've been so hyped up about this game and yet so anti-PS3.  In fact I think the only bad thing about this game is that I had to buy a PS3 to play it.  As I traveled home with my PS3 in hand, I wondered how good this game was actually going to be.  Lately, a lot of the time games hype themselves up and gaming news does the same - bubbling the excitement until it turns in to a frothy frizzle.

This game does not disappoint.  Not only does it deliver in the bloody savageness: the grotesque kills, but it still keeps up on its puzzles and actually introduces action as you're solving them.  The combat system hasn't really changed much, using square, triangle, and circle pretty much handles the soon to be brutalized monsters.  The real innovation or I guess I would say improvement in GoW3 is the simple and easy way to manage your god powers and the weapons at the same time.  Previously you had to select the power that you wanted by using the D-pad but now, one weapon one power.  How many do you ask?!  Four.  Up(Exile Blades.),Right(Claws of Hades), Down(Nemean Cestus), Left(Nemesis Whip).  Each of these weapons have their own unique and awesome talent.. that  I'll let you find out for yourself.
If you think that only 4 weapons and abilities is not enough the game even brought a item system in which you can use to conquer puzzles and enemies alike.   In my personal opinion I feel the items are weak, and most of the time just a small annoyance even for the weakest of enemies.  ( With the exception of Hermes' Boots which rocket your enemies in the air in slow motion so you can pull off some extended and awesome combos.)  Even so, the way in which you obtain each of the items is brutal, savage, and epic at the same time. "Bragic?"

The story is awesome and immersive.  I'm holding my tongue to not release any spoilers for the rest of the BVG crew but, I'm really hoping this isn't the last God of War game we see.   God of War 3 was worth every cent of enjoyment and I still have not even taken advantage of the multiple modes that still await me.
Until next time folks.


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