Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"video games promote hatred, violence and sexism"

Every time one of these videos comes out it makes me fucking sick. They are prime examples of just how stupid and ignorant the people of this world are. I have no idea how people have the nerve to discuss something they know nothing about as if they are experts.

This time its a segment from a British talk show called the The Alan Titchmarsh Show. He invited one guest to defend video games and two other ignorant bastards to throw lies in the guys face and gang up on him with the help of the audience. This poor guy had some good points that everyone that goes on these fucking things tries to say, but its as if no one listened and just waited for their turn to talk.

The part that pisses me off the most was how quick the audience was to jump on and make the video game guy out to be the bad guy, clapping for everything the other two guests said but actually sneer and boo whatever the other guy said. People need to stop believing everything "experts" say and find out for their fucking selves. A normal healthy human will know that what they are playing is a game and that they should not go out and do that kind of shit in real life. Its to bad that the fucking whack jobs who do screw up are used as an example for the entire gaming community.

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