Monday, August 9, 2010

TOR space combat gets revealed

I think everyone who was excited about TOR came when they heard the game would have space combat. But until now we didnt know anything about it. It has not been revealed that the combat wont be free form, instead it will be a "tunnel shooter" where the player can move the ship up, down, left, and right but the course of the ship will be locked in by the scenario in question.

The space combat areas will be solo instances at first, but BioWare hopes to implement PvP and team combat in the future.

These space combat scenarios will also include ship collision, rotating quest objectives, customizable ship cosmetics, and achievements.

I was really excited about this feature and I'm still looking forward to it. But its basically just a mini game. Hopefully Bioware wont let us down and it will be the coolest mini game in cool town.

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