Friday, August 13, 2010

Bioshock infinite is not a new IP.

Kevin levine's interview solidified nothing about this game being a new IP. Both rapture and columbia were innovations to prove to other forms of government that their way was superior. Both Rapture and Columbia were mysteriously lost due to their new era power and strength. Nothing has changed.

Making small improvements and interactions doesn't make you're game a new intellectual property. It simply is a improvement on the franchise that has the same "If we gained immense power shit would go wrong." Every arch is about mankind losing to it's own lust for power. Him explaining out his story in person this time is nothing but a ploy to establish a new following for an already popular franchise.

Let's be honest Kevin's ultimate job is to make money. His companies ultimate goal is the same thing. Game developers rarely ever push out new intellectual properties due to the plain fact that it doesn't sell well. In fact, Capcom has stopped releasing new IP's in America due to the fact that Americans don't buy in to new IP's.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not neigh saying the game or throwing up on the legs of Kevin Levine. Just this new intellectual property word, is just a seeping pile of hot shit. This is the same game that we will all play and love and the only fucking difference is that it is in the sky, with improvements.

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