Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I've been gone a while, this is true. However, I come bearing interesting news about Relic's new third-person Space Marine game.

Joystiq writer Mike Schramm was witness to a preview for the game over at THQ's headquarters. According to him, the game is very much like Gears of War, which seemed obvious from the video released at E3 this year. (A third-person shooter with Space Marines is going to be very Gears-esque no matter what you do, I think.)

There are some big differences from Gears, one of which being the lack of a cover system. "Warhammer's Space Marines aren't the kinds of soldiers who hide behind rocks -- they charge ahead with everything they've got." The gameplay is very based upon forward movement, which should make the lack of cover less of an issue. I still don't feel confident about it though. Another difference is that Space Marine will focus partially on melee combat. That is an obvious choice, seeing as Warhammer's Space Marines are famous for their chainswords.

Another interview about the game over at Gamespot gives a description of one of the levels as its played.

I was excited about the game when I saw the trailer, and I have to say the idea intrigues me. Relic makes some damn good RTS games, and hopefully they'll be able to continue fleshing out the Warhammer 40k universe with Space Marine. I'm just not sure what demographic they're going after with this game. Seems like the Dawn of War crowd would stick with RTS and the third-person shooter lovers would rather play Gears of War.

Hopefully I'm wrong, and this game turns out glorious. I'd just rather play as an Ork. WAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!

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