Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fuck You Activision!

So I believe that the creators of "Power Gig", the makers of the hopefully next level of Guitar Hero type games, have officially won at guitar. As you can see above, they had about 100+ Guitar Hero guitars, which they tied together and launched into a volcano. That's a pretty big middle finger to the makers of all fake guitars. What I want to know is how they explained that to their accounting department.

"So we'd like about $10000..."
"What for?"
"We want to make a commercial..."
"Well what are you using the $10000 on?"
"We'd like to buy about 100 Guitar Hero controllers...fly them over, then drop them into a volcano in Sweden."
"Oh oka....whaaaat?"
"See, we knew you were going to freak out like that, that's why we didn't explain at first, only asked for the money."

For those of you who don't know, the main point that the creators of "Power Gig" are pushing is that they are producing real 6-string guitars for use with the game (or as they call them, SixString). The neat thing is that they are compatible with Guitar Hero and Rockband. Another cool feature is that even if you're not playing the game, the peripheral functions as a normal electric guitar. The full band kit is going to retail for about $230, and come with drums, a mic, and the guitar. The guitar kit version alone is $170.

Most electric guitars cost about $120+ (about $200 for a really nice one) so it's a pretty good deal, considering that the guitar is functional outside of the game. It's definitely piqued my interest. Look for it in October.

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