Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Pokemon Anime

Yeah, I know, Pokemon is so 2000 it's not really that funny anymore. Of course, the next Pokemon game is probably at least going to be good, considering that there really hasn't been a bad Pokemon title. For the few of you who do still pay attention to the anime, as well as the games, today YouTube has recieved a treat in the form of a teaser for the next generation of the anime.

It's got a bitch with Pokemon jumping into her hair, a shit ton of the new Pokemon (much like Black and White, none of the current...how many are we up to now? 500?) Pokemon will make an appearance in the anime.

This begs the question: Is Ash Ketchum in the new anime? If not, that's fine, because I'm tired of that whiney little bitch that never has any character development. I mean, he can be this "bad ass" trainer, and be really good, but when it comes down to the wire he never wins anything. No tournaments, nothing. I kind of started losing interest after he lost at the Indigo Plateau, and really lost interest when he lost the big tournament after that...then the one after that. The anime is now just a joke, stretched waaay too far away from it's original form, as well as the old manga.

But at least we'll have a new anime, with probably the same type of protagonist, as well as same general plot line. Then again, it probably won't air in the States for another few years.

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