Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Top 10 Wii Games?

1. Wii Play
2. Mario Kart Wii
3. Wii Fit (with Wii Balance Board accessory)
4. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
5. Wii Sports Resort
6. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
7. Super Mario Galaxy
8. Wii Fit Plus (with Wii Balance Board accessory)
9. Mario Party 8
10. Link's Crossbow Training

So you see that? That's a listing of the Top 10 best selling Wii games of all time, as released by Nintendo. Sadly, you don't see any of the good games, like No More Heroes, Madhouse, or...well, I can't think of any other games that aren't on there. You know what the weirdest thing is? Link's Crossbow Training is #10. I don't remember hearing anyone ever even mentioning that game, and wouldn't even remember it if it wasn't always sitting at $10 when I'd go to Fry's and look at all their games.


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