Wednesday, April 28, 2010

World of Warcraft movie update

Kotaku has posted an update on the World of Warcraft movie status. Turns out, there's still a while to go before the script is even finalized. As Joe said when I mentioned this, "I could have told you that!." Blizzard has been saying they've wanted to do a WoW movie for what feels like forever.

If you don't feel like checking the link, the gist of the story is this. Chris Metzen says they're working on it and they aren't sure that the canon of the games will be maintained in the movie's universe. This is a statement I question highly. Why would you have to change any of the backstory? To make the movie more appealing to general (aka non-nerd) audiences? I don't think that's going to be an issue at all. Blizzard knows who their audience is and that pretty much everyone who has ever played WoW will go see the movie. I'm pretty sure that Blizz could just put together a highlight reel of clips from Warcraft 3 cinematics and people would flock to the theaters to see it.

I feel so cheated, since I've been looking forward to this movie since it was still only mentioned in whispers. At least Sam Raimi is directing it, that's my glimmer of hope.

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