Friday, April 9, 2010

Woah, hype lvl for Crysis 2 back at 0%

So I just watched the Trailer for crysis 2 and that shit got me super HYPED, but no more than two minutes later I stumbled upon this video and my hype meter is back to 0%.

The video is about the tech they are using for the game, and it starts off real good when they show all the environmental stuff. But as soon as you get to the gameplay parts around the 1:00 mark, fuuuuck. The game looks UGLY AS FUCK.

They are just showing off stuff like A.I and shit and its prob an early build but still, I think I may have thrown up in my mouth a little bit. They are trying to push the game to consoles so its no surprise that the game doesn't match the 1st game when talking about graphics. Hopefully the PC version will be much nicer.

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