Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cub Scouts Game for Upgrades

The Cub Scouts are sounding a lot more cool now that its possible to get a Video Gaming belt loop and pin. The criteria for both items highlights parental involvement and choosing the right games for your age group. The pin especially requires making appropriate choices and learning how to set up a video game system.

I think this is an excellent idea and it touches upon a lot of important topics. For one, kids are required to learn about what is and is not appropriate for them to play. The ESRB exists for a reason, after all. Most parents are shocked to see the levels of violence in games today, especially when they themselves bought their twelve-year-old an M-rated game. The Cub Scouts are raising awareness about video game ratings, and teaching the kids other important lessons while they're at it. Check out number seven on the pin criteria list, for example:

"7. Play a video game that will help you practice your math, spelling, or another skill that helps you in your schoolwork"

That sort of teaching is the way of the future, I think. If we could integrate teaching with technology, maybe we could focus on other more important things. People are gradually realizing that video games are a staple of our culture. Maybe if they embrace them, we could get some really cool stuff done in the classroom.

Good job, Cub Scouts! You just earned yourselves an "Impressing Jervan" badge!

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