Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Marvel Vs Capcom 3

So Capcom just released a trailer for Marvel vs Capcom 3. It didn't show much other than a few characters which have been in the series before. All the characters were fully rendered in 3d, although being a pre-rendered cg cinematic, it could still be in full 2d. I watched it from my iPhone on YouTube, so the quality wasn't the best, but the trailer was pretty tight. Tentative release date is 2011, and I'm sure we'll hear more about it in the coming months.

Oh, and did I mention that it had Chris Redfield from resident evil 5 fighting the incredible hulk?

-Submitted via iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Its also rumored that Dante is going to be on the Capcom roster. And as we all know "you cant get much coooler than Dante"
