Friday, April 23, 2010

Halo: Reach is making me feel dirty

Ever since the first game was released in 2001 I have hated on the Halo franchise. And I never EVER understood why people were always so hyped for a series that in my opinion is extremely overrated. Whether it be its lame cliche story that's been told again and again with its boring ass characters, or its horrible voice acting, or the fact that it played no differently than other games that I thought were better. The multiplayer was fun, but I didn't find it competitive in the least bit, and it pissed me off that people played it professionally.

But the game was important because it brought a genre that was mostly PC dominant to consoles. And maybe that's why I hated it the most. The thought that console FPS's would make PC gaming obsolete.

So year after year as soon as a new Halo game would be announced I would instantly drink my hateorade and shrug it off. I did the same thing with Halo: Reach when they announced it at last years E3. "Oh another lame halo game for the 13 year olds who don't know better to get excited about."

But the other day Foe said something in vent(know that he also doesn't like Halo), "Dude Halo: Reach looks pretty fucking tight." I responded with a "cool" and quickly went back to what I was doing.

Later that night I stumbled upon the video and thought what the hell. So I watched it...

Fuck my life.

This game actually looks good, The video is about the multiplayer beta coming soon. They added so much shit to it that it kinda looks like a different game. You can roll and dodge, use jet packs, pull off sick stealth kills. The guns actually have recoil now. Its blowing my mind. The games graphics even look better.

Know that I still have no love for Halos single player, it can still lick my balls, but I will definitely be trying out this game for its multiplayer, it looks like a blast.

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