Monday, April 12, 2010

Respawn and the Land Down Under

So some of you may remember an earlier post I made regarding the Australian Attorney-General resigning, and how this would provide Australia with hope of seeing a rating similar to the ESRB's M-rating for America. Well, the new Attorney-General has now assumed his post, and according to, he is taking a decidedly neutral stance on the issue. He had the following to say on the topic:

"I have no preconceptions about this issue and intend to listen to the arguments. I can neither support nor wisely argue against a position if I am not aware of the relevant factors," he said. "It is worth noting that ultimately, the decision does not rest with me alone. Any change would require the support of each jurisdiction's attorney-general."

Personally I think Australia needs to become a little more open to the idea of more mature games, especially if it's fairly heavily enforced on the vendor's end of things. I also find it extremely funny that a country that's original purpose was that of a prison have such an issue with violence in a media form.

In other news, the former studio-heads of Infinity Ward discussed their future with While they couldn't discuss much in regards to the upcoming lawsuit (they had an EA publicist on hand to keep them from talking about anything that could endanger their status legally), they did mention that they're hiring. And with more people leaving the Infinity Ward studios every day, it looks like they'll fill up the roster rather quickly.

Look forward to more on these stories in the coming weeks.

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