Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rumors R fun: Silent Hill FPS

I haven't played a Silent Hill game since the first one, but most people agree that the franchise could use a change. And that change might be coming.

The Rumors got started by new Silent Hill developer Vatra Games. Who has revealed that it is working on a first-person-shooter for Q1 2011. It is the only project listed by Vatra, which seems to indicate that the "unnamed" FPS and Silent Hill's latest chapter are one and the same thing.

I wouldn't mind a Silent Hill FPS game, but that's probably because I love FPS games, but a lot of people are butt hurt because they feel the developers are trying to change a game by turning it into a genre that well, needs a change.

But just because the game is from the first person doesn't mean it has to play like an FPS, if they give you guns with tons of bullets, then yes that's dumb. But if its a survival horror game from first person, then that's tight.

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