Friday, July 30, 2010

Kinect (how many times have I used a similar title?)

So it's no secret that us at BossVG are no big fans of the Kinect. The above video was done by web-comedians/gamers Mega64. I have to say, they make good points, while delivering them in a hilarious manner. My favorite part is when Rocco (the man with a beard and glasses) says, "Yeah, but you look like a fucking idiot!"

Paired with that video is this article from IGN talking about their most recent experience with Kinect at a London gallery by the name of Saatchi Gallery.

In it, they pretty much trash it the whole way through, much like I've speculated will be done once the peripheral is released. They mention pretty much all of the games that Microsoft has touted as its big launch games for the Kinect, calling Joy Ride (a Modnation Racers-type game in which you steer with your arms and hands),

"surprisingly difficult to control, and most of the seasoned gaming journos spent half the time spinning off the track. Waving your limbs around in front of a screen, regardless of how simplified the game is, isn't an intuitive control system."

Doesn't sound very fun. Even the Wii is slightly more responsive than that (of course unless you're playing a hack and slash where you're just wiggling the controller the whole time).

They also go on about the infamous "Balls in Your Face" demo (not what it's actually called, mind you),

"Most of the time trying the ball-dodging mini-game in Adventures was spent flailing around at random. Whether this was caused by the infamous 'lag' that seemed to plague early demos was difficult to tell, but when you have to resort to waving your arms like a semaphore enthusiast at a rave whilst you're trying to do something as simple as bat a ball back at the screen it can get frustrating."

Just what I expected from the Kinect.

There is one, only ONE game which I would POSSIBLY even CONSIDER purchasing a Kinect for, and that's the one in the following video:

Children of Eden is the spiritual successor to Rez. In it, you control the cursor and then target enemies / objects on screen. When your character shoots them, they let off a sound effect, which oddly works great with the background music, no matter the timing. It's made by the same brilliant mind behind both Lumines and the aforementioned Rez, though it doesn't look like it has even half of the difficulty of Rez (which was pretty goddamn tough).

We can expect to see the Kinect in November. Whether or not the BVG crew will be picking one up is yet to be seen though.

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