Sunday, December 12, 2010


So another movie-tie in. You know what's funny? Game developers seem to think that if they completely shun the plot of the movies, they can escape the curse of a bad movie video-game tie in. In this case, it's handicapped on two counts. 1) It's a movie based off a comic book 2) It's a game based off a movie based off a comic book.

To me, the trailer looks like a God Of War clone. I'm sorry, even some of the finishers.

I really don't know why Marvel keeps reaching out to Sega to do the design on their movie games. The Iron Man games bombed (despite the developers trying to be really enthusiastic about how they wanted to make it the best of the best, etc), and this looks like it's going to do just as well. If you want to make a game based on a super hero, they should be cribbing notes from the Arkham Asylum team. You have to make your game unique. Honestly, I'd much rather sit down with a copy of God Of War any day then have to deal with Thor "Thou!" and "Thee!"s any day.

Though what's funny to note is that Chris Hemsworth (the actor playing Thor in the upcoming movie) is voicing Thor. Definitely a step up from Iron Man, where they used the voice of some random guy instead of that of Robert Downey Jr.

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