Sunday, December 12, 2010


Ok, so a few of you may have read my post about a week ago about how much I love Mass Effect 2. It's definitely my GOTY2010, and it ranks really high up on "Favorite games of all time."

So when I heard that there was going to be a Mass Effect 3 announcement at the VGA's, I came, hard. Then I saw the trailer. When I woke up 2 minutes after I apparently blacked out, it looked frosty the snowman had gone and s'ploded all over my room.

Just kidding, but the game looks pretty intense. I really am looking forward to it.

What's going to be odd is with this pressing attack on Earth, how will Bioware keep the universe so open, and keep it from degrading into a generic level-based 3rd-person shooter?

Only time will tell.

Now I need a change of pants.

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