Sunday, December 12, 2010

SSX: Deadly Descent

I really want to start out, and apologize for just about every trailer coming from They're probably the only video versions of this that exist on YouTube right now (until they get ripped down tomorrow due to copyright infringement).

That being said, I really don't know how to feel about this game. A lot of people have accused this of being "modern warfare'd up" which I find odd, considering it's an EA game. If anything it's Medal of Honored up, if that.

Now, I'm not opposed to the concepts shown in this trailer. From what I remember of SSX, it was a very over-the top and crazy game, and it seems like it's bringing more craziness to the series. Hell, even the base-jumping suit is a kinda cool idea. Maybe it's just that the game looks so goddamn gritty that it's drawing so reminiscent of Call of Duty.

Either way, if they can make it as over the top as the previous ones, while not taking itself too serious, it might just be a good game.

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