Sunday, December 12, 2010

Prototype 2

The original game was a highly anticipated title for me, but was largely overshadowed by Infamous. Which is funny, because I originally had expected Infamous to be a shitty ripoff, and Prototype to be a fucking amazing game.

The game felt clunky and uninspired to me. A lot of the mechanics just felt frustrating, and the fights just felt like a straight up button-mashing experience.

Maybe that will change with the next installment.


What is odd about this game is that in the original, your character really wasn't a bad guy. It ended up saving the city from a madman, and you stopped a nuclear attack on NY. This game kind of changes the ending (no bueno, IMO), and instead of the city rebuilding, all the powers under control, it seems to be reversing it.

Of course, the story was so hard to follow that I may have gotten the ending completely wrong.

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