Monday, January 17, 2011

Taskmaster and Akuma Confirmed!

So fighting fans have been baiting their breath for every little release for MVC3, from characters to costumes. This week, a Japanese retailer "leaked" Akuma as a character in one of their ads for the game.

Today, not only did Capcom confirm Akuma (video below), but they released that Marvel's Taskmaster (video above) would be in the game as well.

Fighting fans should be familiar with Akuma by now, he's kind of the evil, stronger version of Ryu (not to be confused with Dark Ryu), and he performs the infamous "Raging Demon" (as seen at the end of the video).

For those who don't keep current with Marvel Comics (or have never picked up a Marvel comic for that matter), Taskmaster may sound a little unfamiliar.

He's a B or D list villain in the Marvel universe. For the most part, recently he's been a trainer of villains (though after the Siege event in the Marvel universe I wouldn't be able to tell you what he's been doing). He has the ability to copy any move that he sees. Whether or not that will actually be the case in the game is yet to be seen. From the trailer it looks like he does a lot of slashing, as well as some reflective attacks.

Who will be the rest of the character roster? For some reason I have a feeling that a lot of characters will be unlockable, and that they're not going to give us the full roster even after the game has been released.

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