Thursday, April 7, 2011

Warhammer 40k Dev Diary #1

Relic (via Machinema) posted their first dev diary for Warhammer 40k Space Marine. I know a few people who are in to Warhammer, even if I am not personally, but I have to say that this game looks like a lot of fun. It appears (from the footage I've seen) to be a faster-paced Gears of War type of game.

In their first Dev Diary, Relic/THQ talk a little bit about the story for the game, as well as the setting and characters, which is definitely informative for those who don't know much about the WH40k universe.

The main (new) piece of information I took away from this was that it is set to be released August 2011, though I'm not sure whether or not that had been announced at an earlier time.

Now, where's our 40K MMO?

(Big kudos to Rob Westwood (@robdesignguy) lead UI developer on Space Marine for the tip via twitter!)

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