Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shaco Ownage

If you've been following our Twitter, like you should be doing, you'd know that George has been hinting at a special League of Legends flavored video for the past week or so. I'm glad to announce that it has been edited and uploaded, after technical issue after technical issue. I'd say that it was well worth the wait and trouble. So, same as always, watch it, favorite it, like it, comment on it, and share it. We appreciate the views and support.

Also, be on the lookout for more videos soon. We've got more things planned that I'm sure you'll like. Expect more content and more regular updates from us in the near future. After a small bit of restructuring, Boss VG will be better than ever.

Once again, thanks for all of the support.

I also plan to put together a short "Making Of" video for the Shaco project. I'm sure some people will find that interesting. :3

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