Wednesday, February 9, 2011

LA Noir Gameplay!!!!!!

LA Noire has been a very interesting game to me. It's actually a game that I haven't quite wanted to get excited for, yet have been the whole time. It's a Rockstar game, which is a good thing, but at the same time my personal gaming tastes dictate that I probably will not.

I think I've said this before, but I have never really enjoyed a Rockstar game for more than an hour. It all goes back to how I don't like games that are too open world, and that I end up shelving the game due to my odd obsession with beating the rest of the games I have. It ends up feeling like I don't have enough time to spend on it vs. the other games, and then it just starts collecting dust. The most recent examples of this are Fallout: New Vegas and Red Dead Redemption.

LA Noire will more than likely turn out the same way for me, or maybe my inner-fanboy sleuth will override that general boredom I experience with Rockstar games.

Again, I know they're great games. I KNOW. But at the same time it boils down to what type of games entertain me, as well as the ones I have time for.

Then again, the time argument is coming from someone who played Mass Effect 2 through twice, the second time after beating Mass Effect 1, having all DLC, and doing all side-missions...

Either way, With the trailer above, I finally know what the gameplay is going to be like for LA Noire. It definitely looks like it's going to change up the formula of Rockstar games. While it looks like it's a very organic world, with very interesting mechanics not only for combat, but for dialog as well. The interrogation system by itself has me interested, as you have to pay attention to gestures that the people you're interrogating make as well.

Look for LA Noire come May.

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