Thursday, March 24, 2011

Duke Nukem Forever...Delayed...AGAIN?!





I don't even really know how to react to this.

I think a WTF works fine. Yeah? Yeah.

So Duke has been delayed again. I've waited so long for the game, an extra month doesn't really bother me so much. But you know what does? The fact that the International version is coming out 4 days before the US version. I mean, WTF Gearbox/2K Games? Duke is an American hero. It's shit like this that causes people to pirate games.

Cue flames from both sides of the wall.

Anyways, Duke being the American hero, and us not getting our hands on it first? It's some real bullshit.

But...what if...this is an April Fool's joke? That's my last shred of hope.

Also, sorry that we haven't updated much recently. We do owe a few videos to our YouTube channel, and we have some things from GDC to post. We've just kinda been in a post-GDC stupor. We'll be updating soon (read: hopefully this week!)!

Unless that gets pushed back to June too. *grumble*

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