Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fable 3 almost here.

Tired of playing Mass Effect 2? It's time for the 'GOTY' as Joe would call it... Fable 3!!! Soon we will be graced by the only franchise that doesn't make me dry heave in disgust! This game not only has brought the flavor of good or bad choices in the gaming industry today, it has pushed the limit on immersion gaming. Last game, mini-games, real time aging, and life changing choices were some of my favorite features. In this next installment, you get to throw revolution into your arsenal bag.

As you can tell I'm really excited for the game that releases on October 26th. Let's just hope it doesn't get Project Milo'd. Oh, and if you're really horny for some Fable 3, a cinematic trailer was released featuring the song "Young Dead Men" by the Black Angels.

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