Hey, it's been a while.
One would think that now we're getting recognizance as a video game news blog, that we would be updating more. This has not been the case due to a variety of factors. I'm not going to point fingers or put out a list of excuses. We've been busy actually playing games, for one. That's something you forget about people who blog about video games, they seem to spend so much time blogging that it doesn't seem like they play anything. Maybe I'm alone in that impression. However, the most operative reason lies within a restructuring of Boss VG itself.
We started this website back in February. The Boss Talk show started in March. We've come a long way since then and we're learning more every day. George and Joe have improved on their speaking skills and (I think) have become more entertaining. George has also learned how to edit and become very good at Twitter. I've improved my editing skills tenfold, and learned about podcasting. Armand has been doing a great job helping us set goals and push out content, not to mention guiding our creative processes and providing some next level beats.
At the time of me typing this, we have 113 YouTube subscribers, 23,957 total upload views, 83 Twitter followers, and 40 total podcast hits. I'd say that's not bad at all for a group breaking into a field that none of us had any extensive schooling/experience within, but we can do much better.
Being invited to the Tron event, despite not being with Kotaku, IGN, or any of the mainstream gaming news sites, proves to me that we're doing something right.
That being said, the main reason we haven't been updating is because we're experiencing a shift in our dynamic. Switching the show to a weekly podcast allows us to talk about everything that happened that week, without endlessly regurgitating the same information you'll find on the other gaming sites. However, this also leaves us at a loss for content to post. After all, why mention it in depth if we're going to talk about it on the podcast in a couple of days anyway?
We're figuring out exactly what to do with the blog, and we have ideas. Sometime soon, we plan a redesign of the site, but to what extent I can't say. Our YouTube channel will be getting some love soon too. We've fallen behind on reviews, but we'll rectify that in coming weeks. On top of that, we have some different content planned for the YouTube channel at some point. I can't say much more than that.
The point of this post? We're still alive. Cool things will be happening soon. Oh, and thanks to all of the people that have helped us along.
Also, I personally plan on posting on the blog more. No reason not to, after all.
EDIT: I realize now that using a picture of George when I'm the one posting is a little weird. But hey, Tron event is related, and if you're not attracted to George at least a little bit, you probably don't have taste.