Sunday, February 28, 2010

DICE and Infinity Ward being nice to each other? This is madness!!

DICE has been trying real hard to convince people that Bad Company 2 will trump Infinity Ward's extremely successful Modern Warfare 2, while Infinity Ward is trying to maintain its dominance on the FPS genre. But the two companies put down their swords and wished each other the best on Twitter.

Infinity Ward's head honcho Robert Bowling: "Enjoy every minute of it man. You guys deserve it. Hope you snag some downtime to enjoy it with the family as well."

Bad Company 2 lead game designer David Goldfarb responded with "Thanks man! Hope you are enjoying the fruits of success too! And I expect to see you online, squad rush style."

The BVG team is really looking forward to Bad Company 2, I hope we wont be disappointed.

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